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Medical malpractice

Where a health care provider’s care has failed to meet accepted standards by failing to diagnose a serious illness, or failing to follow proper medical procedures. When a medical professional’s negligent actions cause injury or harm to a patient,  it is considered medical malpractice. All healthcare providers are legally responsible for providing their patients with reasonably safe and proper medical treatment. When a medical professional acts negligently, he/she may be held liable for the death or injury of a patient.
Medical malpractice laws apply to all licensed medical professionals in the United States. These professionals include doctors, surgeons, nurses, dentists, chiropractors, pharmacists, anesthesiologists, technicians, cardiologists, pediatricians, pathologists, oncologists, dermatologists, psychologists, hospital workers, nursing homes staff etc.

At Pavlounis & Sfouggatakis, LLP, we handle all types of medical negligence cases:

It is important to remember that just because an individual receives unsuccessful treatment, or sustains an injury while undergoing medical care, it does not automatically give him/her a legitimate cause to file a medical malpractice claim. In order for patients to successfully file a medical malpractice lawsuit, they need to prove the following:

Fighting Malpractice, Misdiagnosis and Mistakes

Products Liability: 

Other Types of Cases:

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